Nature Tour Darajat Pass Garut a Cool and Beautiful. It is a tourist destination in West Java which is on the rise nowadays you must visit. Located at the height of Garut City with a view of Nature and a cool atmosphere Darajat Pass Tours offer a variety of facilities including hot water bath (Darajat Pass Water Park), Lodging and Outbound.

You and your relatives or your family now do not have to worry about the journey in the journey, because today it is only at Darajat Hot Water Park which is open for 24 hours. Darajat Pass is a recreation place that has a restaurant, swimming pool, and lodging. The beautiful surrounding panorama decorate it, also the township of Garut city seen from this place. While enjoying the food and drinks, both bringing themselves and the order of restaurants and canteens are available Darajat Pass Garut Tourism Place, we can see the beautiful scenery, as well as the surrounding community plantations that look green and for the price of admission is very affordable for the middle .

In addition, this place is great for photographs as memories of the history of our lives. The pond water in Darajat Pass comes from the spring near Darajat Crater so that besides heat also contains sulfur which is good for our skin health.


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